Blonde jokes
Q: How do blondes pierce their ears? A: They put tacks in their shoulder pads.
Q: How does a blonde high-5? A: She smacks herself in the forehead.
Q: What did the blonde say about blonde jokes? A: She said they were pretty good, but they might offend some Puerto Ricans.
Q: Did you hear about the blonde who hijacked a submarine? A: She demanded $200,000 and a parachute.
Q: How do you recognize a blonde in school? A: They are the only ones who erase their notebook when the teacher erases the board.
Q. How do you know a blonde has been using a dishwasher? A.It's cloged up with paper plates.
Q.How many blonde's does it take to change a light bulb? A. 3. 1 to find the bulb, 1 to find a ladder and 1 to find a man.
Q: How many blonde jokes are there? A: One - the rest are all true.
Q. How do you know a blonde has been using the computer? A. There is cheese in front of the mouse.
Q: How can you tell if a cat is blonde? A: No matter what height you drop it from it always lands on its head.