New jokes
This computer you charged me L950 for doesn't work....and you said it would be trouble free. It is, I charged you L950 for the computer, but you're getting all that trouble absolutely free!
Want to buy a pocket computer? No, thanks, I already know how many pockets I've got.
What did one keyboard say to the other keyboard? Sorry, you're not my type.
What did one mouse say to the other mouse? I get a click out of you.
What did the mouse say to the webcam? Cheese.
What do computer experts do at weekends? Go for a disk drive.
What do you do if your computer hums? Tell it to change its socsks!
What do you get if you cross a computer with a ballet dancer? The Netcracker suite.
What do you get if you cross a computer with a hamburger? A big mac.
What do you get if you stuff your computer's disk drive with herbs? A thyme machine.