Today jokes
What great song is associated with hamburgers and baseball? 'Steak Me Out to the Ballgame'!
What happens when two burgers fall in love? They live together in holy meatrimony!
What is a hamburger's favourite story? Hansel and Gristle!
What is the hamburgers' most familiar song? 'Home on the Range'!
What is the hamburgers' motto? If at first you don't succeed, fry, fry again!
What kind of a pitch did Sandy Koufax of the old Burger-lyn Dodgers have? A fastball - a sizzler.
What kind of baseball do burgers play? Ketchup baseball!
What kind of company is a 24 hours hamburger joint? Fry-by-night!
What kind of girl does a hamburger like? Any girl named Patty!
What old-time song is the burgers' favourite? 'Hammy' - as sung by Al Jolson!