Today jokes
What's the definition of Parity? Two parrots exactly the same!
What geometric figure is like a runaway parrot? A polygon .
Teacher: What's the definition of a Polygamist? Pupil: A parrot with more than one wife!
What did the parrot say when he was using the Internet? P.Cs of eight, P.Cs of eight.
What's the definition of Polystyrene? A plastic parrot!
What do you call a parrot when it has dried itself after a bath? Polly unsaturated!
What do you call the place where parrots make films? Pollywood!
What did the parrot say on Independence Day? Polly wants a firecracker!
What did the rich socialite's parrot say? Polly want a cracker, with cavier please!
What did the parrot say when he saw a duck? Polly want a quacker!