Today jokes
Q: How does a blonde prepare for safe sex? A: She puts on rubber based lipstick.
Q: How does a horny guy spell relief? A: B-L-O-N-D-E.
Q: What do you call 4 blondes laying on the beach? A: Public access.
Q: What do you call two blondes in a canoe? A: Fur traders.
Q: Why does NASA hire peroxide blondes? A: They're doing research on black holes.
Q: Why is a blonde like Australia? A: They're both down under, and no one cares.
Q: Why do blonde's get confused in the ladies room? A: They have to pull their own pants down.
Q: What is 68 to a blonde? A: Where she goes down on you and you owe her one.
Q: What does a screen door and a blonde have in common? A: The more you bang it the looser it gets.
Q: What is the definition of the perfect woman? A: A deaf and dumb blonde nymphomaniac whose father owns a pub.