Saturday, Feb 15, 2025
1916 - New York Yankees buy Frank "Home Run" Baker from the Athletics for $37,500.
1921 - Arthur Mailey completes 9-121 versus England, Australian Test Cricket record.
1930 - Weona beats Toluca in Illinois Basketball Tournament in ten overtimes.
1931 - Spring training site of New York Yankees in Saint Petersburg is renamed Miller Huggins Field in honor of the team's late manager.
1932 - III Olympic Winter Games close at Lake Placid, New York.
1932 - Australia beats South Africa in cricket by an inning in 5 hours 53 minutes playing time.
1932 - US bobsled team member Eddie Eagan becomes only athlete to win gold in both Summer and Winter Olympics (1920 boxing gold).
1936 - Sonja Henie, Norway, wins third consecutive Olympics figure skating gold.
1956 - Pittsburgh Pirates and Kansas City Athletics cancel an exhibition game in Birmingham, Alabama, because of local ordinance barring blacks from playing against whites.
1958 - Ice Dance Championship at Paris won by June Markham/Courtney Jones of Great Britain.