Saturday, Feb 15, 2025
1861 - Fort Point completed and garrisoned (but has never fired cannon in anger).
1862 - Grant's major assault on Fort Donelson, Tennessee.
1869 - Charges of Treason against Jefferson Davis are dropped.
1898 - A massive explosion of unknown origin sinks the battleship USS Maine in Cuba's Havana harbor, killing 260 of the American crew members.
1933 - Anton J Cermak (Mayor-Democrat-Chicago), assassinated in Miami, Florida.
1933 - US President-elect Franklin Roosevelt survives assassination attempt.
1936 - -60 degrees F (-51 degrees C) in Parshall, North Dakota (state record).
1950 - RKO Radio Pictures releases Disney's animated feature film Cinderella to theaters in the USA.
1954 - First bevatron in operation-Berkeley, California, USA.
1956 - Pittsburgh Pirates and Kansas City Athletics cancel an exhibition game in Birmingham, Alabama, because of local ordinance barring blacks from playing against whites.