Saturday, Dec 14, 2024
1490 - Anna van Bretagne marries a proxy Maximilian of Austria.
1503 - Birth of Nostradamus [Michel de Nostre-Dam]; French astrologist/prophet.
1542 - James king of Scotland (1513-42), dies at age 30.
1546 - Birth of Tycho Brahe in Knudstrup, Denmark; astronomer (Golden nose).
1575 - Polish Parliament selects István Báthory as king of Poland.
1582 - Zealand/Brabant Netherlands adopt Gregorian calendar, tomorrow is 12/25.
1591 - Juan de la Cruz [de Yepes] Spanish Carmelet/poet/saint, dies.
1600 - Olivier van Noort sinks Sp galleon San Diego at Bay of Manila, 350 die.
1656 - Artificial pearls first manufactured by M Jacquin in Paris made of gypsum pellets covered with fish scales.
1708 - Prosper Jolyot's "Electre" premieres in Paris.