Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025
1783 - US Congress ratifies peace treaty between US and England.
1784 - Revolutionary War ends; US Congress ratifies the Treaty of Paris.
1785 - Mozart completes "Dissonantenkwartet" (opus 10).
1791 - Birth of Calvin Phillips became shortest known adult male (67cm; 2 feet 2 inches).
1794 - Dr Jessee Bennet of Edom Virginia, performs first successful Cesarean section operation on his wife.
1798 - Birth of Isaac da Costa Dutch writer/lawyer.
1798 - Birth of Johan R Thorbecke Premier of Netherlands (Liberal-1849-72).
1799 - Eli Whitney receives government contract for 10,000 muskets.
1799 - King of Naples flees before the advancing French armies.
1800 - Birth of Ludwig Ritter von Köchel in Stein, Austria; devoted his life and studies to music.